2020 Pandemicy things and Latest work

Well I have had a short absence and I thought it would be high time to update you on my latest…

What a strange year! I know that so many people are writing abut the dramatic changes in their world and the wider world about them, but I just wanted to acknowledge that it has been a difficult and unusual time. A time for drawing close to family and faith and looking for opportunities to support others around you. For 3 members of our family, work has continued as usual though in some ways altered and perhaps even busier. I hope that for you the changes you’ve experienced haven’t been too stressful.

Ice cream Spills

My illustration has been continuing to develop over time. I’ve had the joy of working with the delightful Sue DeGennaro on my mentorship from the ASA. It is so valuable to have another point of view on aspects of your work and I am relishing the opportunity while I can.

With the possibility of attending illustrator meet ups in person I have been listening to podcasts, doing some skillshare lessons and practising, practising practising. Of course I am missing seeing friends in person and look forward to the time again when getting together with the children lit community doesn’t involve a computer screen!

Thanks for dropping by

Beach Afternoon

Beach Afternoon