Bookish Adventures - Summing up 2023!

It seems all my family and friends were commenting about how quickly 2023 whizzed by. Do you agree? I felt compelled to share & celebrate some of my highlights before moving on to 2024…

Unboxing Book Week Bear!

It was a thrill to have Book Week Bear published in July! This involved the opportunity to meet with author Rory H Mather and go on an adventure around the city signing copies of Book Week Bear. thrill of publishing Book Week Bear to the joy of visiting schools and meeting enthusiastic book fans, it was a year filled with unforgettable moments.

The following day, Rory and I had the opportunity to launch the book at Better Read than Dead bookshop. What a great time we had, celebrating the Book Week Bear with fellow book lovers.

Book signing

But it wasn't just about the books. Getting the chance to visit schools and talk to students about illustration was a privilege. At North Narrabeen Public School I got to spend the day with creative children and work with them on their own illustrations. Their curiosity and enthusiasm were infectious, and it was heartwarming to see their faces light up as we talked about storytelling and creativity. At Covenant Christian school the Kindergarten class created their own ‘Book Week Bears!’

I really do feel grateful for all the wonderful experiences and opportunities that came my way in 2023. Here's to another year of creativity, inspiration, and new adventures. I hope you enjoyed sharing them with me.

Cover Reveal "Book Week Bear!" June 2023

Hey there, picture book lovers and bear enthusiasts! Today I’m writing about the reveal of the “Book Week Bear” cover. I've had the honor of working on a new children's book titled "Book Week Bear," written by the talented Rory H Mather during 2022. And the time has finally come to unveil the cover! As the illustrator, I've adored working on this fun book which captures the essence of Book Week and has a few magical surprises. So here it is…

I'm delighted to announce that Scholastic Australia, an amazing publisher with a passion for inspiring young minds, will be bringing "Book Week Bear" to bookshelves across the country. Mark your calendars because the big day is just around the corner—1st July 2023!